torsdag 9 oktober 2008

Friend request på Facebook/Vad är det för j-vla fel på vissa människor på internet


Ni vet hur man kan få friend requests på facebook som man verkligen funderar på vem och varför man får från folk. Jag brukar få sådana ibland och då alltid fråga vem dom är och hur jag känner dom. Nedan följer en dialog som gjorde mig så otroligt förbannad mellan mig och en sådan människa. Vem skriver så här till en vilt främmande människa och samtidigt vill påstå att den är fullt frisk och normal och att det är min personliga förlust att inte ha lagt till denne på facebook??! Behöver väl inte ens säga att jag blockerade denne och anmälde detta till facebook! Är det någon mer som råkat ut för något liknande? Jag känner mig trakasserad och borde väl egentligen inte ens ha svarat på den första responses från personen men jag blev bara så förbannad och tog så illa vid mig av vad som skrevs (personen ifråga får vara anonym här)! AAAArrg!!!!

Idag kl 10:52
Who are you and why do you want to add me as a friend on facebook? Do I know you from somewhere? Personaly I only add people you are my friends.

Idag kl 11:03
No, you don't know me......but that is half of the fun of virtual communities! I wanted to add you because I liked your profile pic and we belong in a FB group together, but if you bothered to accept my invitation to be friends, you would have known that. You know, you will never make more friends if you don't open yourself up and you also know that you could have befriended me, and if, you didn't like my profile, you could have removed me.......I figured everyone could use more friends in life.....I guess you don't, which means you are probably a very shallow person and someone I wouldn't want to be friends with anyway.So- your loss. I'm not into shallow people who are ignorant to the world around them.Neil

Idag kl 11:12
I don´t even know how to respond to such a respons....(but I will try anyway).Internet is full of weird ones which I don´t even want to get into since it is non of your business! If you would have responded kind of like you did I might just have thought " Oh, okay perhaps this isn´t one of thoose weird sick people". Then perhaps I would have added you as a friend just because it is like you siad it is nice to get to know new people. The world needs more love! I am sorry if I made you feel the need to respond that agressive, that was not my intent!!Have a nice day!

Idag kl 11:16
Well, you did......but maybe that comes from your own insecurities about NOT being the stereotypical Swede.......I mean you are not skinny and buxom by a LONG maybe you are just really really insecure........I was just trying to be nice and make friends with someone who looked for appearances sake to be the type of person I would be friends with in 'real' life and shared a common interest especially in the religion we practice......but I don't have any fat bitchy friends in real life so you did me the favor of removing you from my friends list anyway.Now, YOU go have a nice day!

Idag kl 11:18
And please don't even bother responding.

Idag kl 11:19
Good luck getting friends with that attitude and I am really glad I didn´t add such an illminded person to my friend list.

1 kommentar:

Nelzon sa...

OMG!! Vilka nötter det finns! Ta INTE åt dig. Han ville bara provocera och vara taskig! Inte värt att slösa några känslor på sådana personer!